Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Reason for Diligence

Well, the time has flown by since April and my attention has turned elsewhere, away from this blog. Bad. What's worse, it's not been toward my finances either!

As a result, a quick meeting with our Gr--- We-- Li-- 'financial advisor' back in May resulted in a transfer of certain requirement fund shares (because they were sadly under-performing) into more 'lucrative' real estate shares, who the rep swore was performing fantastically for his top clients.

As the June'08 performance report has just arrived in my mailbox, before me I spy the biggest drop in my share's value of any 6 month period, ever. Thank you Mr. rep. This is the reason not to let anyone else take the lead with your investments. Exactly.

BAck to the study of stocks to become the subject-matter expert I really need...